Today's Hours: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm

Uniform, Equipment, and/or Personal Hygiene Policy

Violation of Uniform, Equipment, and/or Personal Hygiene Policy – 2 demerits up to and including termination: depending on severity.

As with all your duties and responsibilities as Fun Spot America team members, you are expected to demonstrate professionalism and good judgment at all times related to your actions and appearance.  For this reason, if you are ever in doubt the appropriateness of your appearance, please keep in mind that anything that could be considered distracting or not in the best interest of Fun Spot America will not be permitted.

Body Alteration or Modification: Intentional body alteration or modification for achieving a visible, physical effect that disfigures, deforms, or similarly detracts from a professional image is prohibited.  Examples include, but not limited to visible tattoos, brands, body piercing, tongue piercing or splitting, tooth tiling, earlobe expansion, and acquiring visible, disfiguring skin implants.  Current team members with tattoos are the exception, but additional visible tattoos are not acceptable.

Hair Guidelines for Female Team Members: Females should keep their hair neatly combed and arranged in a classic, easy-to-maintain style.  Extreme styles are not permitted.  Hair below shoulder length should be confined if it falls forward over the face while working.  Conservative braided hairstyles without beads or ornamentation are permitted.  Appropriate hair confinement should be used in food service areas where required by law.  Hair accessories such as headbands, hair ties, bows, and flowers are not acceptable.  Fun Spot America does not permit extremes in dyeing, bleaching, or coloring.  If the hair color is changed, it must be natural looking, well maintained, and appropriate to your skin tone.  Subtle highlighting or frosting is permitted as long as it creates a uniform look over the whole head and meets all of the previously listed guidelines.  Eyebrows must not be notched or symbols shaved into the head, no Mohawks.

  • Hair Guidelines for Male Team Members: Hair must be neatly cut and tapered on the back and sides, forming a smooth, symmetrical appearance so it does not extend beyond or cover more than one-third of the ear.  Hair that extends below the shirt collar must be pulled back and confined.  The overall style must be neat, natural, and balanced proportionally.  No symbols, lines, or pictures shaved into the head, no Mohawks.  Conservative braided hairstyles for men without beads or ornamentation are permitted, braided close to the scalp in straight rows.  Extreme or bi-level styles are not permitted.  Eyebrows must not be notched or symbols shaved into the brow, no shaved eyebrows.  Appropriate hair confinement should be used in food service areas where required by law.  Fun Sot does not permit extremes in dyeing, bleaching or coloring.  If the hair color is changed, it must be natural looking, well maintained, and appropriate to your skin tone.  Subtle highlighting or frosting is permitted as long as it creates a uniform look over the whole head and meets all of the previously listed guidelines.
  • Sideburns for Male Team Members: Sideburns should be neatly trimmed, straight, and even in width, and are permitted to extend to the middle of the ear.  They should blend naturally from the length of hair on the head.  Flares or muttonchops are not permitted.
  • Facial Hair for Male Team Members: Mustaches are permitted, but must be neatly trimmed and not present a bushy or unkempt appearance.  All beards or goatees must be kept trimmed and must not be any longer than the width of a standard #2 pencil.  Letters, symbols, or markings of any type are not permitted in your beard.  You will not be allowed to tie anything to your beard.  Coloring of your beard, goatee, or mustache must be the natural color of your hair.
  • Jewelry for Female Team Members: One necklace is permitted and must be worn inside the uniform shirt, not visible to our guests.  Bracelets and ankle bracelets are not permitted.  Earrings may be clip-on or pierced; multiple earrings must be approved by the MOD.  Hoop earrings larger than a dime are not permitted.  Gauges are not permitted.  Only one ring per hand is permitted, unless you work in a food service area, then only a wedding ring is permitted.  Face and body jewelry is not permitted, may be worn.
  • Jewelry for Male Team Members: One necklace is permitted and must be worn inside the uniform shirt not visible to our guests.  Bracelets and ankle bracelets are not permitted.  Male team members are not allowed to wear earrings.  Band-Aids are not an acceptable way to conceal earrings, clear plastic retainers may be worn.  Only one ring per hand is permitted, unless you work in a food service area, then only a wedding ring is permitted.  Face and body jewelry is not permitted.
  • Fingernails: Fingernails should be kept clean.  For male team members, fingernails should not extend beyond the tip of the finger.  If polish is used for female Team Members, it should be complementary to your skin tone.  Charms or decals on fingernails are not permitted.  Female team member’s fingernails should not exceed one-fourth of an inch beyond fingertip.  Fingernail polish is not permitted for a Team Member working in the food service area.
  • Cell Phone:  Cell phones are prohibited and must not be carried into the work area. Cell phone violation will result in a 7-day suspension for the first violation, a 30-day suspension for the second violation and may result in termination for the third offense
  • As a reminder, you are responsible for the proper care and handling of your uniforms and company assets / equipment.  Shirts should be clean and wrinkle free.  Shorts or pants must be well fitted, worn on your waist, and not “sagged.”  A belt is also required with your shorts and pants.  If your uniform is misplaced, altered by you, or damaged due to negligence, you will be required to pay for it.  If your uniform is damaged by no fault of your own, the Human Resource Department will replace the damaged item.  Uniforms issued to you remain the property of Fun Spot America.  Uniforms must be returned to the HR department, in good condition upon the termination of your employment.  Keep in mind that when you are walking to and from your car, the uniform guidelines still apply.  All equipment assigned to you on a daily basis must remain on Fun Spot America property.  Removal of equipment / company asset from Fun Spot America property may result in disciplinary action.  The uniform policies, equipment, and personal hygiene policy may be changed at any time.  Failure of any team member to adhere to these or any subsequently established or modified standards will result in appropriate disciplinary action, not excluding termination.
  • If a Team Member whose religious beliefs or practices conflict with the Company’s policy or practice on dress and appearance, the Team Member may request a religious accommodation.

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Fun Spot America Atlanta

Fun Spot America Atlanta

Fun Spot America Atlanta

1675 Hwy 85 North, Fayetteville, GA 30214
